The Art of Receiving Feedback
Noise? Or News You Can Use?
It’s sound check time. A microphone goes berserk. People dash to yank out cords, while others shrink into the fetal position and moan, “make it stop!”
This is not about frequencies gone awry. But receiving someone’s honest opinion can hurt.
Who loves input on how to improve? Especially if you didn’t ask for feedback. Did a former coach, teacher, boss, parent, spouse, or drill sergeant come to mind? My inner perfectionist wants to show you how quickly I can learn to do something and do it well.
But, “Don’t need no stinkin’ feedback” is pure hubris.
Is there a way to mitigate feelings of frustration, inadequacy or shame when you’re on the receiving end of someone’s opinion?
Does their opinion even matter? If you work for them, or they’re in a position of authority:
So what to do?
Some perspectives to consider:
1. Pause. Is this noise? Maybe. But, what if it is news — information that may benefit you?
2. Consider the source. Does this person have a vested interest in your progress or well-being?